
My journey to photography

Travel, Stories

Let’s reminisce a bit. Travel back to my childhood, where I got in touch with the field of photography. Back to the time that probably got me interested in photography, although I recognized it a bit later.

Since I can remember my parents photographed everything we did. When we were childs my mum had a simple film camera, while my dad created videos of us toddling around on vhs. I was not interested in these things back in the day. And the older me and my sister got the more we got annoyed by someone pointing a camera on you on every occasion. But getting older (and probably wiser…) changes your point of view and today I am pretty thankful when visiting my parents and seeing all these old photo books of ourselves and our family. When I was fifteen years old I got my first digital camera, because I just booked a trip to the United States with my best friend and his family. I went totally crazy and enjoyed the process of documenting a new city I’ve never been before. Obviously my images were pretty bad, I didn’t understand anything and shot solely automatic mode. Aperture? Shutterspeed? ISO? Framing and Perspektive? I didn’t care…. To my 18th birthday my parents gifted me my first digital slr and I tried to understand a bit more about all the theories behind taking images. While doing my apprenticeship as a designer we had a one year photography course in school, that helped me understand a bit more.
But suddenly I lost interest, focused only on my craft as a designer. A few years went by and after I’ve found my design studio UNDESIGNED in 2022 I wanted to share a bit more behind the scenes of the studio life and create nice product photography for our cases. I watched a lot of tutorials again, followed nice photographers on social media, talked with people and fell in love with it. The more I exposed with the topic, the more I learned and wanted to establish it in our studio as a side business.
As a lover of beautiful design and my interested in street photography at some point I wanted to try a Leica. It was by accident that I stepped into the Leica store in Stuttgart and tested the new M11. I fell in love with it at the first touch. I was blown away by the simplicity and haptic feeling. Pure photography. Pure emotion. And a super small kit that delivers such an outstanding image quality. Obviously it was super hard. Only manual focus. No image stabilization. But it changed the way I photograph and I learned a lot with it. I was not able to use my other camera again. I used the M for everything - moving people, street photography, product photography, my dog. It’s just a different feeling to capture moments with it. It’s just like art. Most of the images you can see here are taken with this camera. I love it since day one, although I sometimes miss focus, I feel that the images transport so much more emotion. 

Captured by @kimofthebongo

Captured by @kimofthebongo

Food photography with casella

Thanks for reading my story and following my journey! I really appreciate your time and would love to hear yours! If you’re interested in a talk let’s meet for a coffee and have a chat! I am excited to capture your emotional moments!

Lunch spots in Landau

Travel, Stories

The best part of having a studio in the center of the city? You have a lot of different options for your next lunch break. Here’s an ongoing list of some cool spots in landau.